BGSL Member’s Handbook

A Guide to Membership

 in the

Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League

Table of Contents

BGSL Map & Directions        4

Introduction        5

BGSL Club Grounds and Operations        5

General Club and Board of Officers and Directors Meetings        5

General Membership Meeting        5

Board of Officers and Directors Meeting        5

BGSL Property        6

Front Gate        6

BGSL Contact Information        6

Mailing address        6

Important Phone Numbers        6

Website and Other Online Resources        6

Main BGSL Website        6

Members’ Area of BGSL Website        7

Once You are Logged Into the Members’ Area        7

Membership Portal        7

Email Newsletter (BLAST)        7

Facebook        8

Twitter        8

Travel on the BGSL Roads        8

Restrooms and Shower Facilities        8

Camping Areas        8

Walking / Hiking Trail        9

Horseback Riding Opportunities        9

BGSL Fishing Opportunities        9

BGSL Hunting Opportunities        9

Membership Details        9

Your Membership Status        9

Your Responsibilities as a Member        10

Dues        10

Your Vote        10

Guests        10

Recruitment & Incentive(s)        11

Affiliates        11

Ranges, Divisions and Committees        11

A Few Points to Remember on All Ranges:        11

General Purpose (GP) Range        12

Archery Division and Its Ranges        12

Gun Dog Division        12

BGSL Shotgun Division: Trap, Skeet, and Sporting Clays        13

Shotgun Hours of Operation -- Online        13

Shotgun Sports and Target Rates -- Online        13

Casting Division        13

Rifle Division and Advanced Rifle Range        13

Pistol Division and Practical Shooting Pits        14

Muzzle Loader Division        14

Airgun Range        14

BGSL Committees        14

Youth Committee        15

Kitchen Committee        15

Membership Committee        15

Training Committee        15

Wildlife Committee        15

Farm Committee        15

Appendix A: Range Rules for GP, 300 Yard Rifle, Pits, and Muzzleloader        16

Appendix B: Constitution and Bylaws, Online        16

BGSL Map & Directions


You have been accepted into the largest and, we believe, the finest Sportsman’s club in the state of Kentucky.  Your first duty is to read, understand, and practice the constitution of the BGSL. Please understand that this handbook is meant to be a general guideline and may be subject to change/revision. This packet serves only as a supplement to the constitution and by-laws and will help you get off to an informed start with your new membership. As time passes, we hope that you will see it as a valuable reference to your specific membership rights, privileges, and responsibilities.

The Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League is not just a place to shoot your gun, it is considerably more. Since its formation in 1945, our members have not only participated in, but have helped set the standard in areas of conservation, competitive shooting sports, hunter’s education, and many other aspects of outdoor-based activities. Located on approximately 1460 acres of unique and beautiful property in Central Kentucky, we offer many benefits to our membership. The entire family can enjoy our facilities year-around!

We hope that you will come often, stay long, and enjoy your club!

BGSL Club Grounds and Operations

General Club and Board of Officers and Directors Meetings

Both meetings are held in the main clubhouse.  

General Membership Meeting

7:00pm on the first Tuesday of each month -- this is the monthly meeting for BGSL members to get together, discuss club business, vote on motions under consideration by the League, etc.  A meal is served at the meeting, as well.    All BGSL members are encouraged to attend this meeting as often as they are able, and there are often prizes raffled off by the membership committee or divisions.

The September General Membership Meeting is a special one, at which no business is conducted other than the election of BGSL Officers and Directors at large.  

Board of Officers and Directors Meeting

7:00p.m. on the last Tuesday of each month -- this meeting is primarily for the Board of Officers and Directors (BOD)  to carry out their regular duties in overseeing the organization, resources, and operations of the League.  The BOD is composed of directors elected from each division, three directors at large elected by the membership each September, and three officers (president, secretary and treasurer) also elected by the membership each September.  BGSL Members may attend BOD meetings  if they are interested, but may only observe the proceedings unless called upon to speak during the meeting or if they have been called to the meeting to address a particular topic, and they will be asked to leave the room during discussion of any matter that requires going into a closed session.

BGSL Property

The club owns and manages over 1400 acres at the Handy’s Bend Property. Besides some of the finest shooting ranges around, members also benefit from: over 3 miles of hiking trails, small and large game hunting opportunities, scenic KY River frontage, managed wildlife fields and wooded areas, sport dog training facilities, bird and wildlife viewing, outdoor photography opportunities, camping, and much more! In short, we are very proud of our unique property in Central Kentucky.

Front Gate

Use your gate card to access the property when the entrance gate is closed.

Entering the club: please enter on the right side of the entrance gate(s)

Exit ONLY across the “shark teeth”; failure to remember or heed posted warning signs will result in tire puncture!

BGSL Contact Information

Mailing address

Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League

2500 Handys Bend Rd.

Wilmore, KY 40390

Important Phone Numbers

BGSL Office: (859) 858-4060

BGSL GP Range: (859) 858-0134

BGSL Office Fax: (859) 858-4060

BGSL Shotgun: (859) 858-4458

Shotgun Range Manager: (859) 396-1172

BGSL Operations Manager (859) 509-2394

Website and Other Online Resources

The Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League maintains several online resources for the use of its members, including a main website with an additional  members’ area,  a membership portal for managing memberships, an email list for Newsletters, a Facebook page, and a Twitter account. This section should serve as a short reference to all of those online resources, and is mirrored/updated online at:

Main BGSL Website

The main BGSL website address is  Open Events and meetings are posted there regularly, and division information as well as match schedules, etc. are available from the main menu.  In particular, you can see an up to date calendar of events, pit availability, and member meetings at  

Members’ Area of BGSL Website

Additional information for members is available on the website by selecting “Members’ Logins->BGSL Website Members Area” from the main menu at the top of the home page and  logging in as bgsl and using the password sportsman.  The appearance of the home page will change when you are logged in to indicate that you are in the members’ area.

You do not need to login with your email and a different password to access the members area, and in fact you cannot log into the members’ area using an e-mail address or other username (other than bgsl) unless you are an authorized user on the website, in which case you already know this!

The Members’ Area is NOT the Membership Portal (see Membership Portal below)!

Once You are Logged Into the Members’ Area

To access the membership specific information, use the BGSL Members menu on the right sidebar (on a desktop screen) that will appear when you log in as bgsl.  The sidebar may appear underneath the posts and other sections on smaller mobile devices with narrow screens.  Among the items available in the members area are:

Much of this information is updated frequently, such as monthly meeting minutes and the email BLAST Archives, and some is only updated as needed, such as revisions to the League’s Constitution and Bylaws.  If you see something that is in need of updating or feel that some useful information is missing or have any other feedback, please send that feedback to the BGSL Secretary by emailing to

Membership Portal

The membership portal can be used to renew your membership, update your personal information, etc.: go directly to it with the URL or reach it from the main BGSL website by selecting “Members’ Logins->Membership Portal: Manage Membership/Renew” from the main menu at the top of the home page.  You will need to login with your email address (the one you supplied when you joined) and a password.  There is useful information on how to login to the portal in the “BGSL First Time User’s Guide“, including how to get a new password if you lost it, or what to do if you forgot which email you used to sign up for the portal (typically when you joined).

The Membership Portal’s sole purpose is to allow BGSL members to manage their memberships, and it does not offer any functionality beyond that to members. For the sake of security, the membership portal is a separate site from and does not share login credentials with the main BGSL Website!

Email Newsletter (BLAST)

Most new members will be signed up for this list if they indicated that they were interested in receiving the Newsletters during application or orientation, but in case you are not receiving them or you want to change the email address at which you receive them, you can sign up with the form at:  If you are changing your email address, please unsubscribe (using the link at the bottom of every BLAST) before signing up with the new address or send email to

The Newsletter is typically one large e-mail per month with club news and match schedules, and often another mailing or two each month focused on specific events or activities that will impact the membership. You can catch up on missed BLASTs by viewing the Email BLAST Archive.


The BGSL Facebook page is:  Open matches, classes, and other events of public interest are posted on the page’s event calendar, and posts are of topics of general interest or reminders of upcoming events.  If you find the BGSL Facebook Page useful, please show your support by liking and/or following the page.


Operational notices such as pit and range closures for matches and holiday range hour changes are sent out on Twitter.  If you have Twitter installed, follow to get regular notification.  If you do not have a Twitter account or do not have an application installed, you can view the current notifications on the BGSL Website sidebar or on the Twitter page above..

Travel on the BGSL Roads

Please observe a 20 mph speed limit while on our roadways. There is no unauthorized off-road driving.  Golf carts, UTV’s, “gators”, etc. are allowed on BGSL roadways so long as:

  1. They are used only by adult operators
  2. Carts/utility vehicles are subject to the same traffic rules as full-size vehicles

Restrooms and Shower Facilities

The League maintains three “modern” restroom facilities:

  1. Located behind the General Purpose Range is the “Bath house”; Men and Women restrooms are located here. Hot showers are also available. This facility is closed during cold months.
  2. Restrooms are also located at the main clubhouse. These facilities are open year around.
  3. Restrooms for men and women are located at the back of the trap building and at skeet.

In addition, Porta Johns are usually found at pistol, and Muzzle Loader maintains a well-appointed outhouse beside the entrance to the woods walk course.

Camping Areas

Camping sites for members are located on the east side of the club; they are considered “primitive” and have no electrical hook-ups or potable water access. Most sites will have charcoal grills or fire pits and a small picnic table for member use. Overnight campers MUST sign-in with operations; a sign-in sheet can be found to the right of the operations manager’s office door.

Modern RV sites with electrical and water hookups are located in the parking lot beside the main clubhouse and in front of the casting ponds.  There is a fee to use these sites, and they must be reserved in advance.  

There is an RV dumping station on the right side of the main entrance road as you are leaving the club.

Very limited electrical and water service are available for three campsites or small campers in the Muzzleloader area.  A fee will be charged to use these as well, and they must be reserved in advance.   

Walking / Hiking Trail

The BGSL has just over 3 miles of hiking trails. The terrain is fairly easy to traverse and the trails offer great wildlife/wildflower viewing opportunities.

Horseback Riding Opportunities

The BGSL does not board horses or offer horse rentals. However, should you have your own horse and trailer, members may trail ride in designated areas. Horses must be loaded and unloaded only in designated area(s). Please check with operations (859-858-4060) every time until you learn the procedure and parameters of this activity.

BGSL Fishing Opportunities

State fishing regulations are always enforced. The McFadden Lake developed a leak and the surface area of the pond has dwindled in recent years. The impoundment still holds some fish stocks. Some site specific regulations may be enforced.

The club had another pond dug in the fall of 2013. It is located just off the road to the primitive campsites.  As of August 2020, the new pond is holding water and is stocked with fish again, after a hole opened up in it in 2017 and was repaired.

Members may access the KY River along its banks from BGSL property, but there is NO ramp on BGSL property for launching a recreational fishing vessel, and the road to the river is unpaved and not suitable for most vehicles.

BGSL Hunting Opportunities

The BGSL offers its members limited small game, turkey, and deer hunting opportunities. State regulations always apply. Please contact operations in the main office (859-858-4060) for additional information on hunting at BGSL.

Membership Details

Your Membership Status

After orientation, you are considered a member in good standing.  Your membership renewal date will be the month you enrolled (a year later).  We do NOT operate on a “December-January” calendar year when it comes to dues renewal.  You will receive a temporary membership card at orientation and will be sent a more permanent card through the mail within 10 business days.  Please keep track of your membership card.  Besides being required while on the ranges, fishing, etc., – a duplicate copy will cost you a $5.00 administrative fee.

Your membership is considered a “family membership”. By definition, this means that you, your domestic partner, and any dependents living with you, are covered by your membership. All other relatives participating with you are considered guests. Children must be supervised. Minor dependents joining the League upon attaining an age of 18 will have their initiation fee(s) waived as well as any applicable waiting period(s). Should your family use club facilities without you, they must be capable of producing a current BGSL membership card.

Your Responsibilities as a Member


Membership dues extend for one full year from the orientation completion/payment and the next yearly orientation anniversary. If you have a valid email address on file, an email notification of your dues renewal will be sent 15 days before your dues are set to expire. Otherwise, a notification will be sent via the US Postal Service.

Subsequent renewal notification will be sent if the office fails to receive payment. If a member allows his/her dues to lapse beyond the grace period, they may be dropped from the member rolls. If this occurs, the reinstatement process will require a new application and a reset of the entire application process (waiting periods, fees, etc. will apply) Please strive to keep your dues current.

Payment Options: The BGSL attempts to provide multiple payment options for the convenience of its membership.  Dues may be mailed to the BGSL Office Administrator at 2500 Handys Bend Rd., Wilmore, KY 40390. Payment may be handed over to the treasurer at a club meeting, credit card billings may occur over the phone, renewals may also be paid on-line, or members may opt to enroll in one of our payment plan options (please follow the on-line prompts from our membership portal:  The monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual payment options refer only to the payment schedule, not the term of membership, which is always considered to be annual.

Your Vote

As a member in good standing, you are entitled to one vote in the elections and other matters before the League. This is one vote per membership (a husband and wife, for example, still wield a single vote between them).  BGSL elections are held at the general meeting each September. Votes by the membership are also required for and determine the outcome of several specific types of actions, such as revising the Constitution or Bylaws (an example of this is changing the annual dues), and the same one vote per membership applies. Please exercise your right to vote and inform yourself on the issue in question when such votes are pending, as the membership wields extensive power in all matters fundamental to the League’s future.


Each member may supervise up to two non-members at a time. If the guest utilizes the ranges, fishing areas, or horseback riding they must have a valid BGSL guest pass. The member will pay any of the associated fees. Daily guest passes are $10 and are always available at the GP Range. You are responsible for safely supervising your guests and seeing that they know and obey the rules.

If the guests do not shoot, fish, or horseback ride, then no fee applies. There is currently no guest fee to attend youth functions/events or “open events” scheduled and put on by divisions within the main club.

Also, members may bring minor grandchildren as their guests without a guest fee.

Recruitment & Incentive(s)

It is your responsibility to help recruit new members and to keep the club strong. If you have a friend, relative, or co-worker that wants to join the League, please help them fill out an application and help them start enjoying what the club has to offer. As an added incentive, members who recruit 5 new members in a year (as documented by the listed name on “sponsor line” of the application form) shall have their next year’s renewal dues waived.


The League of Kentucky Sportsmen (LKS) is a state-wide group with representation before the game commission, KDF&WR, and the state legislature. They also lobby for/directly purchase lands for the purpose of increasing public land access/usage. Due to your geographic location, you will be associated with the 6 District Federation of the LKS. The LKS has monthly meetings that you are encouraged to attend. For additional information, please contact the BGSL main office.

The BGSL is a National Rifle Association (NRA) affiliate club. While we do not require full membership in the NRA in order to be accepted into our membership rolls, we strongly encourage it.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) is another organization with which BGSL is associated and that may merit your consideration in some circumstances.

Aside from the above, BGSL members may be active in various other organizations focused on particular disciplines, such as IDPA, USPSA, and SASS for pistol, NMLRA for muzzleloaders, NSCA for sporting clays, ATA for trap, NSSA for skeet, IBO for bowhunting and many others.  Involvement with such organizations is encouraged, and in some cases required for participation in matches.

Ranges, Divisions and Committees

All ranges are open to the general membership except during specific times of use by the particular division that oversees that range. These times/dates are always posted on the club calendar and in the email newsletter. When a match is scheduled, you are encouraged to join in the competition and have some fun!

Each Range will have safety rules and location specific rules posted. Firearm safety is practiced at ALL ranges at ALL times. Use common sense -- even if something is not specifically posted on the range. If in doubt, ASK!

A Few Points to Remember on All Ranges:

Range rules for all the single projectile ranges are available in appendix A of this handbook.

General Purpose (GP) Range

This range is always open to the general membership during hours of operation.  As a rule-of-thumb, hours of operation are 10am until dusk each day during the week and 9am to dusk on Saturdays and Sundays.  For your safety and convenience, this range is staffed by BGSL Range Safety Officers and sign-in/sign-out is required for use of the GP Range, the Advanced Rifle Range, and the Practical Shooting Pits.

Use of the Advanced Rifle Range and the Practical Shooting Pits requires additional testing and certification. 

The GP Range is considered “fully baffled” and has target opportunities at 17, 25, 50 and 100 yards.  A section is designated “handgun only” and offers additional shooting opportunities at 21, 30, and 40 feet.  There is a “steel section” with steel plates and a dueling tree -- for handguns only. Another section is devoted to airgun (only) usage by children shooting with their parents, and offers several fun reactive targets.

Prohibited: 50 cal BMG

All other (smaller/less energetic) calibers and gauges are allowed on this range. It is a single projectile range (no shot or multiple projectiles). This range is our most-utilized single projectile range by our membership and their guests.  Please take time to check in with range staff and review posted rules/guidelines.

Archery Division and Its Ranges

The BGSL archery division comprises recreational shooters, hunters, and instructors in various archery disciplines.  The Youth Lodge is used by the archery division (in cooperation with the Youth Committee) for meetings. 

The archery general purpose range (w/ the elevated stand) is in an area near the Youth Lodge, and it features 20, 30, 40, & 50 yard bag-type targets for field tips only. NO BROADHEADS are permitted in this area. A black, foam broadhead target is available on the far left-hand side of the range. The range also has several bow racks, a couple picnic tables, and an open fire pit for those cold days.

The 3-D course is located in the areas surrounding the Youth Lodge.  The course is variable- but, normally consists of 15 targets. Again, no broadheads permitted here. The division requests a small fee be applied to anyone utilizing the wooded, 3-D course.

For additional information — please contact:

Gun Dog Division

The gun dog division is a great place to train and run sporting dogs of all types. The training area includes 40 managed acres with “CRP-type” cover and habitat. These fields are usually mowed in a “checkerboard” pattern in the fall for ease of access and are great places to get that dog afield. The division has 2 bird pens and usually offers birds for training to their membership. Dog kennels are also available for monthly rent at a nominal cost. The clubhouse includes a kitchen and common area where you can gather with friends. Please refer to the club calendar for dog trial schedules and upcoming hunts.

For additional information please contact:

BGSL Shotgun Division: Trap, Skeet, and Sporting Clays

The BGSL Shotgun division offers opportunities to participate in trap, skeet, sporting clays, and 5-stand. Within this complex, we boast 6 trap fields, sporting clay courses, 2 skeet fields, and a covered 5 stand. Some of the trap/skeet fields are well-lit for after hours shooting. We have automatic traps, voice release, and use white flyer targets. Shotguns and golf carts may be rented and some shotgun ammo is sold on-site to members.

A clubhouse is located behind the trap fields where you can pay for targets, rent a golf cart, eat a snack & watch TV, or simply meet with old friends.

Shotgun Hours of Operation -- Online

The URL is

Shotgun Sports and Target Rates -- Online

The URL is

For additional information please contact the Shotgun Range Manger, Mike Senters, at the Shotgun Clubhouse 859-858-4458 or

Casting Division

The BGSL Casting Division hosts several world-class casters among its members. These casters have nationally and internationally represented the BGSL all over the world. The divisional facilities consist of two pools specifically designed for competitive casting events. Targets are usually placed in the pools from March — October and are meant for practice of fly and bait casting. Fly targets range from 20-80 feet — while bait casting targets range from 40-80 feet. Weighted plugs (1/4, 3/8, & 5/8 oz.) are used for bait casting. No hooks are allowed in the ponds. Casting sports consist of various distance events (fly and plug) as well as accuracy events (fly and plug). Competitive groups are separated by age — up to 18 years; afterward, classes break into categories of men, women, and seniors. The ponds are open to the general membership except during competitions. All interested in improving accuracy and fishing techniques are invited to enjoy the facility.

For additional information, please contact:

Rifle Division and Advanced Rifle Range

The rifle division is one of the oldest groups in the club — dating back to the club’s humble beginnings at the old Lexington property site. This division was originally formed for the purpose of shooting long guns. The rifle group works to provide a place to shoot; but, also, they work to promote the basic skills involved in sound rifle shooting, safety, and education of firearms.  The rifle range has shooting opportunities at distances of 100, 200, and 300 yards. The division schedules regular matches for benchrest, rimfire (.22), and bull’s eye shooting (for custom and factory rifles).

For more information, please contact:  (ABRA/rimfire) or (centerfire benchrest and division information)

Pistol Division and Practical Shooting Pits

The BGSL pistol division holds many types of practice and competition opportunities for those interested in handguns. USPSA (United States practical Shooting Association) events are held the 1st Sunday of the month.  Steel Challenge (SCSA/USPSA) matches are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month.  IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) matches are held on the 3rd Saturday of each month. SASS (Single Action Shooting Society) are usually held on the 4th Sunday of each month.  MultiGun (3-Gun, 2-Gun, Shotgun, etc.) matches are also held regularly, usually on the 4th Saturday. Division dues are currently at $20/yr. BGSL members who join the division will benefit from match fee reductions, access to plate steel and chronograph, and other services. With 9 bays for shooting in the action pit areas, the pistol division offers a wide variety of practice and competition scenarios to its membership.

For more information please contact:

Muzzle Loader Division

The Muzzle Loader Division oversees the Muzzleloader range and the woods walk course. The range features 25, 50 and 100-yard target posts and covered shooting positions.  The woods walk course consists of approximately 20 challenging, interactive targets at various ranges.  Typically, the division has an open offhand shoot on the 4th Sunday of the month, and usually five Table matches a year on Saturdays.  Woodswalks are scheduled only rarely.  There is also an axe-throwing target in the area near the cabin. The cabin is used for meetings and meals at shoots and also offers a pleasant front porch available at all times for relaxation.

Only muzzle loading firearms are allowed.  Division dues are $20/year.

For more information, please contact: 

Airgun Range

The BGSL Airgun division is dedicated to providing a safe, fun area to shoot air rifles & pistols of all types. There is a large, covered shooting area with a concrete floor and sturdy benches.  The main range is 75 yards long with a protective berm located at the end. Division shoots usually include: 10 meter, silhouette, field target. and plinking. The range is open throughout the year (except for scheduled/organized shoots). Divisional dues are $15/year for a family.

For more information, please contact:

BGSL Committees

The Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League also has a number of active, standing committees looking after various aspects of the organization and its facilities.

Youth Committee

The BGSL Youth Committee is dedicated to educating the youth in their heritage of shooting, fishing, conservation, and safety in all aspects of outdoor sports. The Youth have a clubhouse used during sanctioned events and educational classes. Various sporting equipment (archery, rimfire, etc.) is housed and used for the sole purpose of supporting youth activity and their participation in events. Events are open to the public, as well as club members. A focus is placed on mentoring youth toward becoming stewards of the outdoors and growing into future sportsmen and sportswomen. Scheduled activities will vary widely; but, shooting and outdoor sports are promoted heavily.

For more information, please contact:

Kitchen Committee

The Kitchen Committee oversees the provision of the meal provided at the monthly General Membership meeting and can be called on to provide meals at other club-wide events.

For more information, please contact: 

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee looks after the membership of the Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League, in terms of recruiting new members as well retaining and improving the value of membership for existing members.

For more information, please contact:

Training Committee

The Training Committee provides and coordinates training opportunities for the membership as well as often providing training opportunities to prospective members and the public.

For more information, please contact: 

Wildlife Committee

The Wildlife Committee manages the wildlife resources of the club and oversees the hunting and fishing at BGSL.

For more information, please contact:

Farm Committee

The Farm Committee oversees the operation of the farm and its various parts.

For more information, please contact:

Appendix A: Range Rules for GP, 300 Yard Rifle, Pits, and Muzzleloader

The URL is:

Appendix B: Constitution and Bylaws, Online

The URL is:
