BGSL Youth will host our next LKS Squirrel Rifle shoot on Wednesday, September 9th from 6-7:30 PM at Pit Four (Bullseye). Safety briefing will begin promptly at 6. All new shooters MUST attend the safety briefing. Rifles and program ammo are provided. Please bring hearing and eye protection if you have it. We have some to […]
Archives for September 2015
4H State Match at BGSL in September
4H State Match BGSL is looking forward to hosting the 4H State match again this year. On Saturday September 12, 2015, 4H will be utilizing the BGSL Clubhouse, Archery Range, Black Power, Air-Gun, 300 Yard Rifle, and the General Purpose Range. There will be some preparation and set-up taking place on Friday, September 11. […]