The Archery Division oversees the archery range, and the 3D Archery course, both located near the Youth Lodge which Archery shares with the Youth Committee. Bales are set up at 20,30,40, and 50 yards and available at any time for BGSL members to use for practice. There are also 3D targets set up near the youth lodge for people to try out. The Archery Division is an IBO member and holds IBO sanctioned 3-D shoots each year. Archery not only shares a location with the Youth Committee but has also long been a strong supporter of Youth Archery in the Bluegrass area.
In addition, the Archery Division has hosted the IBO Spring National Shoot for several years and hopes to continue that into the future.
Division Meetings

Come join the Archery Division on the 2nd Thursday of each month for our monthly meeting. Fun, Food, Fellowship, and some shooting weather permitting!
Attend a meeting – we encourage input and enthusiasm