Sunday, August 1, monthly (1st Sunday) USPSA at BGSL match.
Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League will be hosting our monthly USPSA match on Sunday, August 1! Setup will be Saturday, July 31 starting at 9 am, please come help setup if you can!! Setup help shoots for free on Sunday!!Setup will be finalized starting at 8 am on Sunday, August 1, registration/check in will begin at 9 am, new shooter orientation will start at 9:30 am, and the match will begin at 10 am. The match will be around 120 rounds, 5 stages plus a classifier.Please register, pay and squad on Practiscore using the following link:
Match Page: https://bgslinc.com/uspsa-bgsl/
Match Director: USPSA@BGSLINC.com