Start times for IBS and UBR are 9AM. 3-25 IBS 4-8 UBR 5-6 IBS 6-3 UBR 6-30 & 7-1 Mike Niblett Memorial 1-2-3 IBS 8-5 UBR 9-2 IBS 10-7 UBR
Rifle division match schedule 2017
ABRA 4/2, 4/13, 5/7, 5/18, 6/4, 6/15, 7/9, 7/20, 8/6 (Club championsip), 8/17,9/10, 9/21, 10/1 (Ky. State championship) Thursday matches start at 6:00P, Sunday matches start 3:00P IBS 4/9, 6/25, 8/13 (Ky state 100-200 yard championship) UBR 5/7, 7/9, 9/10 IBS and UBR matches start at 9:00A