Saturday, September 26
BGSL Multigun – Saturday, September 26 2020 – this month we will be testing a new multigun format focused on .22lr rimfire handguns and rifles. “BGSL .22 2Gun” will be similar to other action shooting events and is geared towards both new and experienced shooters that are interested in testing their skills in a more relaxed and cost friendly environment.
Courses of fire may be like other action shooting competitions including 3Gun, Multigun or USPSA, but are designed and intended to be fired with .22 caliber rimfire firearms only. Two rules that are unique to BGSL’s .22 2-Gun include: 1) the strict prohibition of holsters; and 2) all paper targets must receive two (2) hits to score. Targets may include paper, frangible and static/swinging/knock down/falling steel targets.
Divisions will include: .22 Traditional (genuine iron sights only on both handgun & rifle, and mag capacity is 10- and 25-rnds, respectively); .22 Tactical (iron sights only on handgun; non-magnified electronic optic permitted on rifle, and mag capacity is 10- and 25-rnds, respectively); and .22 Open (do whatcha want, how ya want with whatever ya want – .22lr rimfire, of course).
Register for BGSL .22 2Gun – https://practiscore.com/bgsl-multigun-saturday-september-26-2020/register
BGSL .22 2Gun RULES – https://bgslinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/BGSL-22-2Gun-Rules-revised-August-2020.pdf
Final squad and pay morning of match ($15 BGSL member and $20 non-member). Please arrive by 0800 to help setup. Shooter mtg at 0950, hot at 1000. Plan to stay and help tear-down. Contact jjmountjoy@yahoo.com if interested in ROing and/or volunteering.
General match, with the following divisions:
.22 Traditional, .22 Tactical, .22 Open