The Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League features more than 3 miles of trails through woods and meadows. Currently open trails are listed below.
Contact trailcommittee@bgslinc.com if you would like to help maintain existing trails, scout out potential new trails, or need more information on the hiking trails at BGSL.

Meadow Trail
Click on the picture at left to view a larger image of the trail map or download it to your phone or other device and take it with you.

River Trail
Click on the picture at left to view a larger image of the trail map or download it to your phone or other device and take it with you.

Van Meter Trail
Click on the picture at left to view a larger image of the trail map or download it to your phone or other device and take it with you.

Palisades Trail
Click on the picture at left to view a larger image of the trail map or download it to your phone or other device and take it with you.

Stone Trail
Click on the picture at left to view a larger image of the trail map or download it to your phone or other device and take it with you.