June 12-14, 2020
The 2020 Kentucky Low Cap Section Championship and 2020 Kentucky High Cap Section Championship are going to be combined into an All Divisions 2020 Kentucky Section Championship scheduled for June 12-14, 2020. This will now be a full 3-day match shot in a single day format, staff and competitors shooting Friday, June 12, and competitors only on Saturday and Sunday, June 13-14. This will still be a 12 stage, 313 round match.
Everyone who has already registered, paid and squadded for the 2020 Kentucky Low Cap Section Championship have a few options:
1. You can transfer your registration directly to the All Divisions 2020 Kentucky Section Championship scheduled for June 12-14, 2020. You will be allowed to squad before the opening of general registration, and you can switch to whatever division you want to shoot (don’t have to remain in the low cap division you originally registered in).
2. You can withdraw with a full refund of your match fees and match t-shirt if you ordered one.
Currently registered shooters will have 2 weeks to decide if they want to transfer or withdraw, with a deadline of April 3rd, 2020.
***This is a courtesy option for those shooters that already registered, paid, squadded and have made travel plans to shoot the Low Cap match at the original scheduled date. This option in no way short changes those that were planning on shooting the High Cap match in terms of match slot availability because we are now doubling the capacity of the match by adding an extra day.***
For everyone else that was not registered for the 2020 Kentucky Low Cap Section Championship and would like to shoot the All Divisions 2020 Kentucky Section Championship:
– General registration will open on Friday, April 10th at 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.
– Competitors registering starting on Friday, April 10th will be able to squad WITHOUT PAYMENT at the time of registration.
The purpose of allowing the additional registration without payment is for us to preserve the flexibility we will need to change the plans for this match if these restrictions that are outside of our control do not change in our favor. This will also save us the 3% credit card processing fee that we will not recover on all new registrations should we have to cancel this match as we get further down the road.
We will make a final decision if we are a go/no go for the match on May 12th, 2020 based off of the state of the COVID-19 concerns and the state/federal public gathering recommendations at that time.
If we are a go on the match on May 12th, 2020, payment will be opened at that time and payment will be due by May 19th, 2020 or you will be removed from the match.
If you do not feel comfortable accepting this level of uncertainty, or will have high travel expenses that may not be recoverable a month before the match, you should probably reconsider registering for this match.
I know there are a lot of variables at play here, but please keep in mind that we are doing everything that we can to increase the odds of having the opportunity to present you all with the best match that we can. Please work with us and work together through all of this turmoil, we all need to stick together (while keeping our distance) until this all blows over.
Match Director: Lafe Kunkel
Range Master: Tom Palmer
Contact Email: Lafe.j.kunkel@gmail.com
Contact Phone: (862) 432-3891