August 19-21
Update: All Pits Cleared and Re-opened as of 8/22/21, 12:30PM
The Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League and the BGSL Pistol Division will be hosting the 2021 IDPA Kentucky Classic August 19-21. This is a 10 stage, Tier 2 match for revolver and 1911 only, with the 2020 Match Director Aaron Brulc returning for 2021.
There will be pit closures for this match starting Saturday, August 14. Pits 1,3, and 4 will close for setup on August 14th and remain closed through the end of the match and until tear-down is completed . Pit 2 will be open the weekend of August 14-15 and Monday and Tuesday of the following week, then it will be closed along with the other pits. Pit statuses will be updated as needed, so keep an eye on the BGSL Events Calendar.