August 20-22
The Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League and the BGSL Shotgun Division will host the 2021 Kentucky State Sporting Clays Shoot August 20-22. Major sponsors are White Flyer, MEC Outdoors, Big Ass Fans, Country Boy Brewing, Jessamine County Tourism, Ziegler Morgan Tire, PECCO Inc, Jefferson Gun Club, and Hall Environmental.
The shoot will include the following events:
- Kentucky State Sporting Clays Championship 200
- White Flyer Open 100
- 50 Target Events 12, 20.28, .410 Ga/FITASC/Super Sporting/True Pair
Food vendor Hill of Beans will be available during the shoot. The shoot events are open to all members and the public. Further details and registration available on Score Chaser at this link. A copy of the flyer for this shoot can be viewed here. For more information, call the Shotgun Office at 859-858-4458 or email at bluegrasshotgun100@gmail.com
For squadding information please contact rhonda.barfield@gmail.com
For RV parking please contact Brenda Wayne in the BGSL office at 859-858-4060
Hotels In Area:
Confort Inn 1-859-305-9971
Holiday Inn Express 1-859-885-8080
Derby Inn 1-859-887-8712
Home Place Inn 1-859-885-9889