Update: Video Recap
June 17-19
The Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League and the Bluegrass Pistol Club (BGSL Pistol Division) are proud to announce the third annual Kentucky USPSA Section Championship. This is a major match (up to 250 shooters) that grew out of the combination of the Section Low Cap and High Cap Matches forced by the covid19 pandemic response in 2020. Lafe Kunkel returns for the third time as the Match Director for this match. The match book can be viewed here, and there may still be openings to sign up for the match on Practiscore.
The BGSL Website Events Calendar will be kept updated with pit status and facilities usage for this match, so check it regularly through the 19th.
Also, be sure to visit the 2022 KY USPSA Section Championship Page on Facebook for detailed posts on the match and sponsorships, etc.
Title Sponsor

Division Sponsors — PCC Division Sponsors