Intermediate Carbine Skills Drills
Saturday, August 6, 9am-12pm
Pick up where the June 4 Introductory Carbine Skills Drills left off. The Intermediate class is designed for the AR platform (this is not an NRA class) and is not a beginner’s class! Please be comfortable with manipulations, moving with the rifle, and getting into various and sometimes difficult shooting positions. BGSL members have been asking for the Carbine Skills Drills to return for some time, so don’t miss this opportunity to find out what the buzz was all about. If the class is full when you try to sign up, contact Brian to let him know you were interested so he can plan future classes.
Singup Link
Intro to Trap
Sunday, August 14, 2022 2:30pm-4:30pm
If you have always wanted to try Trap, but didn’t know where to start, this is the class for you!
We will discuss eye dominance, stance, mounting the gun, leading the target and more, then finish by shooting and scoring one round of trap.
Signup Link
Intro to Skeet
Tuesday, August 30, 2022 6:00pm-8:00pm
Learn the basics of Skeet and shoot your first round.
We will discuss eye dominance, stance, mounting the gun, leading the target and more, then finish by shooting and scoring one round of skeet.