The big news is the Dove Hunting Opportunity for this year, but small game, deer, turkey, etc., are all still on the menu at the Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League, so after you see the pictures of the Dove Field and read about the Dove Hunting, read further for a copy of the Hunting Guidelines and Hunter Orientation dates.
For any questions regarding hunting at BGSL for the 2022-2023 hunting season or to register for one of the Hunter Orientations (see schedule section), contact Don Smallwood via email .

BGSL Member Dove Hunting
The Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League is excited to offer its members a members only dove hunting opportunity for the 2022-2023 Dove Hunting Season. As you can see in the picture above, the field has done extremely well, and if the birds cooperate, there should be excellent hunting and plenty for the doves to feed on. BGSL members will be able to hunt one session per day on multiple days throughout the dove season, for the the very reasonable price of a BGSL Small Game Permit ($100) and attending a BGSL Hunter Orientation prior to the Dove Season Open.
If you are interested, don’t forget to get your BGSL Small Game Permit and complete your required Hunter Orientation Class in advance of Dove Season Opening. All state and BGSL Hunting Guidlines apply to hunting at the club.

BGSL 2022-2023 Hunting Guidelines
Do not be alarmed by the presence of the local Conservation Officer at the dove field in the picture above — he was impressed by the dove field and wanted pictures to show it off. Do, however, be aware that all hunting at BGSL follows applicable state regulations in addition to BGSL Hunting Guidelines. Members should have received a link to the BGSL Hunting Guidelines in a recent BLAST.

Hunter Orientations for the 2022-2023 Season
There are five upcoming Hunter Orientations scheduled. Completing one of the three Hunter Orientations in August will allow participation in the Member Dove Hunt, but they are all valid and required for all hunting at BGSL, not just the Dove Hunt. Archery Deer Season Opens September 4th, for example, so get your orientation completed as soon as you can and don’t miss out on any opportunities. All orientations are planned to be held in the Youth Lodge.
- Saturday, May 7th @ 9:00 AM (Past)
- Thursday, August 11th @ 7:00 PM (Prior to Dove Season Open)
- Saturday, August 13th @ 9:00 AM (Prior to Dove Season Open)
- Saturday, August 27th @ 9:00 AM (Prior to Dove Season Open)
- Saturday, October 1st @ 10:00 AM
- Saturday, October 29th @ 10:00 AM