Director at Large Nelson Bottoms has agreed to chair the BGSL Youth Committee. Nelson has a lot of experience in the 4H Archery program and in the outdoors in general, and he intends to take his talents and combine them with those of others from the various divisions to provide a variety of youth activities for BGSL youth members. Remember — all BGSL memberships are family memberships, so use this opportunity to get your youth involved with the outdoor life at BGSL, and you can spend some time with them doing it.
Two activities are planned for June:
Archery: Saturday, June 19th. 5-8pm
Fishing: Saturday, June 26th. 10am to 1 pm*
*If possible youth (and adults) should bring their own fishing gear. State fishing regulations are followed, so participants need a fishing license if required by regulations, e.g. if they are older than 15.
Please give Nelson your support and let him know what your youth are interested in by filling out the form on the Youth Committee page, and ask him specific questions or sign up for June’s upcoming activities by emailing him at youth@bgslinc.com.