The General Purpose Range, usually referred to as “GP”, is available year round to all BGSL member families and provides a safe, friendly environment for shooters of all ages. GP consists of a covered firing line with sturdy benches and a baffled 100-yard range with target locations at 25, 50 75, and 100 yards for all single projectile firearms allowed (up to but not including .50 BMG), a multi-station pistol area with targets up to 17 yards, a steel target area for handguns with plates and interactive targets, and a kid’s area with various airgun targets.
Hours of Operation
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/Sign-Out Requirements
In addition to signing in to the General Purpose Range itself, GP is the required sign-in and sign-out location for use of the Advanced Rifle Range and the Practical Pistol Shooting Pits. Members will need their membership card to sign in.
A BGSL member’s use of the 300 yard Rifle Range and the Practical Shooting Pits depends on obtaining the proper qualifications.
Pit Pass and Advance Rifle Qualifications
The GP Range administers the qualification tests for use of the 300-yard advanced rifle range which offers target placement at 100, 200, and 300 yard ranges and is open to all types of rifles allowed (up to but not including .50 BMG).
The GP Range also provides qualification testing for the pistol/practical shooting pits. For information on Rifle Range Qualifications and Pit Pass Qualifiers, BGSL members should contact the main office at 859-858-4060.