Sunday, February 6, monthly (1st Sunday) USPSA at BGSL match.
The Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League will be hosting an all-classifier U.S. Practical Shooting Assn. (USPSA) match on Sunday, February 6th. Shooting starts at 10 am. New shooter orientation will start at 9:30 am.
Shooters will be able to shoot through the classifiers in the first relay in one division and then shoot through them again during a second relay IN A DIFFERENT DIVISION. You cannot shoot the same division twice! Entry fee will be $25 for the first relay due to the increased fees associated with submitting 6 classifier scores, and $20 for the second relay if you choose to shoot a second division.
Setup will be on Saturday, February 5th starting at 10 am.
Match Page: https://bgslinc.com/uspsa-bgsl/
Match Director: USPSA@BGSLINC.com