International Defensive Pistol Association
The next match will be on TUESDAY March 18, 2025 @6PM — date changed from usual 3rd Saturday (March 15) due to weather.
Planned remaining 2025 Matches: Apr, May, Jun (TBD), Jul, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec
Match results will be posted on at the conclusion of the match.
Match set-up begins at 8:00 a.m. Anticipated first shots at 9am or as soon as setup is finished and new shooter orientation is completed.
The sooner people show up and help set up, the sooner we will get started shooting and the sooner the match will be finished. All help is greatly appreciated.
New Shooter “check-in” will be at 8:30 a.m.
New Shooters must be at the range no later than 8:30 a.m. for the new shooter check and orientation. If you have not previously shot IDPA or USPSA at BGSL, you MUST go thru the New Shooter check, with the following exception: IDPA members from other clubs who have a valid IDPA membership and Classification of MM or higher will not need to go thru the New Shooter check. Just present your membership card and proof of classification at match registration.
******All match registration and payment will be made via All BGSL IDPA matches will be listed under BGSL IDPA. If you do not have an account you must register and log in. Registration will open at least one week prior to the match. Prepayment is required to complete your registration. ONLY in the event the match is cancelled, refunds will be processed. Match “check-in only” will be held at the shelter at Pistol Pit 1 starting at 845am.
In the even of an extenuating circumstance due to lack of internet access or credit card interferes with registering online please contact the Match Director in advance for assistance.
Please familiarize yourself with the current IDPA Rulebook.
You do NOT have to be an IDPA member to shoot your first IDPA match. Per IDPA rules, you can shoot 3 matches without being a member. After that you are required to join IDPA.
You may download it at: It would be much to your benefit to download it and read thru it prior to your next match, unless you are one of those shooters who enjoy learning the new rules 3-seconds-at-a-time.
Note: IDPA matches are normally held on the 3rd Saturday of each month, unless otherwise noted here.
Self-defense skills are needed regardless of the weather. Therefore, the IDPA matches at BGSL will go on, rain, snow or sunshine. But since it IS a game and we don’t want anyone to get hurt, if there is a thunderstorm in the vicinity, shooting will be suspended until the danger has passed. The match will then resume for those who have stayed. It is extremely unusual to have to cancel an IDPA match at BGSL due to weather. If it is necessary to cancel a match due to weather, that info will be posted at the top of this page by 7:30 a.m. the day of the match. Additionally, all registered shooters will be emailed this information via practiscore, and refunded.
We shoot in squads starting at 9 a.m. or as soon as the stages are set up and the new shooters have finished the New Shooter Check. New Shooters see below. Registered shooters need to be at the range no later than 830 a.m. checked in and ready to shoot by 9 am. We finish setting up the stages and begin shooting as soon as all the stages are set up and new shooter orientation is completed. After everyone has shot the match all shooters tear down the stages and put everything away. If you arrive after 930 a.m., you will be too late to shoot the match. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
If you have not previously shot an IDPA match at BGSL, you must be at the range at 8:30 for a new shooter safety check and IDPA orientation.
Notice for JUNIOR SHOOTERS and their parents or guardians
In recognition of the provisions of the Youth Handgun Safety Act as set forth in the Gun Control Act of 1968, 18 U.S.C. Chapter 44, (see pg. 55 – 18 U.S.C. 922(x)) beginning immediately, before anyone under the age of 18 who is not accompanied by their parent or legal guardian may shoot in one of our matches, we must have a 2020 Youth Handgun Consent form on file. This form must be signed by the parent or legal guardian of the Junior shooter and their signature must be notarized if it is sent with the Junior shooter, or alternatively, it may be signed and witnessed at the time of match sign-in the first time it is presented. This form will be valid for the remainder of the calendar year in which it is executed, unless it is revoked in writing and said revocation is mailed to the address on the form. To view and/or download and print this form click 2020 Youth Handgun Consent form. Adobe Acrobat reader is required to view and/or print this form.
Match Details
You may shoot three matches before joining IDPA. After your third match, IDPA Membership is required. Membership forms are available at the match registration table.
- Match fee is $25.
- BGSL members receive a $5 discount off the match fee.
- Junior shooters (17 and under) will receive an additional $5 discount when accompanied by a paying adult shooter (see Notice above.)
- Matches are normally held on the 3rd Saturday of each month.
Match Director and Coordinator
Aaron Brulc