August 15: 9:00am-12:30pm OR 1:00pm-4:30pm
The Bluegrass Sportsmen’s League (BGSL) in Wilmore, KY will be offering an Introduction to Multigun class on Saturday, August 15. This intro class will focus on educating shooters interested in learning about, and competing in, multigun and 3Gun events. Curriculum will include safety rules and practices, competition rules and practices, equipment review, match etiquette and best practices for entering a new shooting sport. The seminar will be divided equally between classroom instruction and practical instruction on the range. This seminar is not a skills development class for those already competing in multigun and 3Gun events.
The class is limited to two sessions of 10 students each (20 total): one class from 9:00am to 12:30pm; and one class from 1:00 to 4:30pm. The syllabus and instruction for each class will be identical. The cost for the class is $10 and all proceeds benefit the Bluegrass Pistol Club.
Please note that you DO NOT need to have any shooting gear or firearms to take part in this class aside from the items listed below as ‘Required’. However, you may bring gear and firearms if you wish.
Register for the MORNING Session (9:00am to 12:30pm)
Register for the AFTERNOON Session (1:00 to 4:30pm)
Things to Bring:
- Eye and Ear Protection
- Water and Snack(s)
- Appropriate and comfortable shooting attire and shoes (e.g. hat, closed-toe shoes, etc.)
- Shooting belt or stiff belt
- Sunscreen
- Pen and Paper
- Ammunition (see note below)
- Shooting gear (e.g. holster, magazine pouches, shotshell caddies, handgun/rifle magazines, etc.)
- Firearms (see note below)
Please do not purchase any firearms, equipment or gear for this class. The class is partially designed to help introduce you to what you’ll need.
- If you are bringing your own firearm(s), you know what caliber(s) you’ll need: 50 rounds of handgun, 40 rounds of rifle and 25 birdshot shells.
- If you are NOT bringing your own firearm(s), please bring the following: 50 rounds of new factory manufactured 115 grain 9mm; 40 rounds of new factory manufactured 55 grain .223 Rem; and 25 rounds of new factory manufactured 12 gauge birdshot, shot size of 7 ½ or 8 (1,200 fps preferred).
- Handgun – most, if not all, multigun competitors use a magazine-fed semi-automatic handgun. The overwhelming choice is 9mm, though some shooters prefer .40SW or .45ACP; the minimum caliber is 9mm.
- Rifle – most, if not all, multigun competitors use a magazine-fed semi-automatic rifle. The overwhelming choice is .223 Rem / 5.56mm, though some shooters prefer .308, 7.62×39, .30-06 or other; the minimum caliber is .223 Rem / 5.56mm.
- Shotgun – most multigun competitors use a semi-automatic shotgun, although pump-action shotguns are common. The overwhelming choice is 12 gauge, though some shooters prefer 20 gauge; the minimum bore size is 20 gauge.
- You may own one or more of the firearms listed above. If wish to bring them to the class, please do so. If you are bringing your own firearm(s), please ensure that each firearm is serviceable and in a safe operating condition.
- If you have one or two of the firearms, but not the other(s) (i.e. you own a pistol and rifle, but not a shotgun) the instructors will be happy to share their firearms for your use during the class.
BGSL operates COLD ranges for classes and competitions. This means that all firearms must be unloaded with no ammunition in the firearm during transport. Handguns must be holstered or bagged; and long-guns must have a chamber-flag inserted and may be bagged or carried muzzle-up.
John Mountjoy