July 31-August 1
The 2020 Kentucky State IDPA Championship will be held at the Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League Friday, July 31, and Saturday, August 1. This is a very important match for the Pistol Division and the Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League, and–like most matches in 2020, has required extra effort and attention to details in terms of organization and adherence to guidelines for safety due to the coronavirus situation. The match director, Aaron Brulc, has done a great job organizing the match in general and working with the additional constraints imposed by the virus.
Members can support this effort by adapting to any changes in their pit usage routines during the setup, match, and break down. Setup began July 25 in Pits 1,3,&4, which will remain closed until the end of the match on the August 1. Pit 2 will remain open for pit pass holders until Wednesday, July 29, then will be closed through August 1st. Pits will be closed as needed for match teardown after the match, but will be re-opened as soon as possible, so check the BGSL Calendar for updates. Competition will occur on July 31-August 1.
For more information and current updates on the match, see the match’s Facebook Page at: