Sunday, November 7, monthly (1st Sunday) USPSA at BGSL match.
The Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League will be hosting our monthly USPSA match this Sunday, November 7, starting at 10 am. Registration is preferably on Practiscore at the below link. Registration is preferably on practiscore at the below link. In person registration will also be available starting at 9 am on November 7th, and the new shooters meeting will start at 9:30 am. 5 stages plus 1 classifier, approximately 120 rounds.
We need setup help on Saturday, November 6th!! We will start at 10 am and it will only take a couple hours with enough people. It is the same 3 people that set all of these matches up, any help is very much appreciated and setup help shoots for free on Sunday!
Match Description and Registration
Match Page: https://bgslinc.com/uspsa-bgsl/
Match Director: USPSA@BGSLINC.com