Welcome to National Rifle League 22 (NRL22) competition at BGSL.
Learn more about and become a MEMBER of NRL22
You DO NOT need to be an NRL22 member to shoot our matches.
NRL22 Course of Fire Library / Downloads
NRL22 Matches are generally on the third Sunday of each month with occasional exceptions. All NRL 22 Matches will appear on the BGSL Website Calendar.
- 2021 Monthly Match Fees: $15 BGSL member, $20 non-member, Juniors -$5 from adult. All match fees are inclusive of 6% KY sales tax.
- All matches and match stages are held at BGSL’s Rifle Range unless otherwise specified. (37° 47′ 37″ N, 84° 39′ 56″ W)
- All rifles must be cased or muzzle-up with chamber flag inserted when transporting between vehicle and the firing line. No show-and-tell in the parking lot.
- Chamber Flags are REQUIRED for uncased rifles. We may have a few available at the match.
- ALL SHOOTERS NEED TO SIGN-IN BY 0850! We will commence sight-in live fire at 0900 and begin the match no later than 1000. Please plan to arrive early and help set-up at 0800.
Understanding Match Roles & Flow
Contact nrl22@bgslinc.com for more information or questions.
2500 Handy’s Bend Road / Wilmore, Kentucky 40390