Contact Natalie if you are interested in something and can’t find the sign up link for the date you want on the USCCA page.

September 3, September 23
This is the USCCA concealed carry class and fits the requirements to acquire a CCDW license in the state of KY.
Class Listing with Sign-up Links on USCCA Website
Defensive Shooting Fundamentals
September 9
This class is perfect for individuals ready to progress past their CCDW class. We will perform drills to develop defensive shooting skills on paper targets and rubber dummies. There is an e-learning that the student is encouraged to complete before the class but it is not mandatory. This learning module is available to the student after the class, as well. THERE IS NOT A LOT OF MOVEMENT WITH THIS CLASS. Therefore, is your mobility is restricted, you would still be able to successfully complete this course.
Class Listing with Sign-up Links on USCCA Website
Women’s Pistol Part 1 – AG&AG Discount
September 3, September 10, September 18
Note: this class offers a significant discount for A Girl & A Gun Members in order for them to fulfill the requirements to participate in the AG&AG range sessions.
Women’s Pistol class 1 is geared for the individual with very little experience with firearms. We will cover basic gun safety and handgun fundamentals. This the perfect class to attend if you are shopping for your first handgun. This class is very “hands on”. We will cover the fundamentals while on the range and give you the opportunity to shoot a variety of different handguns before you leave.
Class Listing with Sign-up Links on USCCA Website
Coed Intermediate Handgun Class
For September, Natalie will continue offering her popular Coed Intermediate Handgun Class on Tuesday evenings.
This class offers the opportunity to take your shooting to the next level. The prerequisite for the class is a core understanding of basic handgun fundamentals. This class is not for the absolute beginner. Each class will offer the shooter the opportunity to draw from the holster, engage multiple targets, and learn to move and shoot.
For those interested in competitive shooting, this is the opportunity to shoot two different stage plans designed to replicate what it is like to shoot USPSA and Steel Challenge. We will cover the basic range commands, USPSA rules, divisions and equipment necessary to begin shooting competitively.