For information on any matches that take place at Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League Shotgun/Trap, Skeet and Sporting Clays, please call the Shotgun Office at 859-858-4458 or email

Registered ATA Shoots are held every month at BGSL during the warm months.

ATA Shoots at BGSL
To find upcoming ATA Shoots at BGSL, go to and select “Clubs and Shoots” from the main menu or click on the link below:

There is an NSCA shoot every warm month at BGSL. These are a good opportunity to shoot the same targets as the pros.

Upcoming NSCA Shoots at BGSL
To find upcoming NSCA Shoots at BGSL, go to and select “Find Tournaments” with the button on the front page and select “upcoming” and “North-Central” or click on the link below: upcoming, North-Central Tournaments
You can refine the listing to shoots at BGSL only by searching for “Blue Grass”
Local Leagues

There are local fun Leagues throughout the year for Fitasc, Sporting Clays, and 5-Stand depending on the desires of the shooters in the area. The Leagues often include food as part of the entry fee to go along with the fellowship and shooting.
Many Major shoots are held some years at Blue Grass, including the Kentucky State Sporting Clays Shoot and the Kentucky State FITASC Shoot.