Saturday, November 13, 10 AM
Match Description and Sign-up on Practiscore
Match fees are:
$20 non BGSL Member
$15 BGSL Member
$10 Junior shooters
$10 2nd gun (2 gun max)
There will be no on-site registration. All payments must be made via PractiScore. No cash will be accepted at the match.
Registration will close the evening before the match and tablets will be synced at that time. Therefore, all changes to registration, divisions, categories, or squadding must be made prior to 4 PM on Friday, November 12.
Squads will start on the same stage as their squad number. All shooters need to report to their starting stage for match briefing and new shooter check, if needed.
Squadding may be adjusted at Match Directors discretion.
Please observe CDC recommended guidelines for social distancing and hand sanitizing. Please be respectful of the needs and concerns of your fellow competitors.
Match Page:
Match Director: steelchallenge@bgslinc.com