BGSL SCSA Toy Drive Match – November 11th 2023
Match starts: November 11, 2023 @ 10:00 AM
Match ends: November 11, 2023 @ 2:00 PM
Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League
2500 Handy’s Bend Road
Wilmore, KY 40390-8029
Cost of admission is a toy purchase of at least $20 for the KCH Child Life Department – Children’s Hospital. Toys can be purchased using the following link and will be shipped directly to the Children’s Hospital:
You must bring proof of purchase with you to the match! This can either be electronic or a printed copy of your receipt showing your order number. We will be logging order numbers since we have so many different matches happening for the same cause.
Match setup will be Friday, November 10th at 10am help is always needed.
Check in starts at 9 AM Saturday, You must pre-register via PractiScore
We go hot at 10 AM
If you are shooting 2 guns, you will need to do TWO SEPARATE registrations and payments.
Registration will close the evening before the match and tablets will be synced at that time. Therefore, all changes to registration, divisions, categories, or squadding must be made prior to 4 PM on Friday, November 10th.
Squadding may be adjusted at Match Directors discretion.