Saturday November 16 Night Match
We are hosting a Toys for Tots night match on Saturday November the 16th at Bluegrass Sportmen’s League.
Registration will begin at 4:30 PM and we will go hot at 6:00 PM. Registration will be at the stat shack in Pit 4 and the match will take place in Pits 3 and 4. This will be three stages, all paper, approximately 150 rounds, and will include the following divisions:
- – Pistol Only
- – Carbine Only
- – Pistol & Carbine
- – PCC Only
Weapon mounted lights ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED on all firearms. There will be a rules/safety briefing prior to the start of the match. All competitors will be required to wear glow sticks/chem lights on their bodies during the match for safety purposes. If you forget to bring your own glow sticks/chem lights, we will have some available at the match.
The cost of entry is one new, unwrapped toy valued at $20 or more. We need a good variety of boys and girls toys!

Sunday November 17 USPSA Match
USPSA match on Sunday, November 17th! Registration will begin at 9:00 AM and match will go hot at 10:00 AM. Registration will be in Pit 1 and the match will take place in Pits 1 and 4. This will be 6 stages, approximately 150 rounds, and will be open to all USPSA divisions.
The cost of entry is one new, unwrapped toy valued at $20 or more. We need a good variety of boys and girls toys!
Setup for both Toys for Tots matches will begin right after the completion of the IDPA match on Saturday, November 16th. All of these events need as much setup/breakdown help as possible!