June 12-14, 2020 The 2020 Kentucky Low Cap Section Championship and 2020 Kentucky High Cap Section Championship are going to be combined into an All Divisions 2020 Kentucky Section Championship scheduled for June 12-14, 2020. This will now be a full 3-day match shot in a single day format, staff and competitors shooting Friday, June […]
Archives for March 2020
Cancelled: 200 Yard Group Match
29 March 2020, 9AM Centerfire Rifle Benchrest: 200 Yard Group Match Match Director: Brud Sheats clsheats@roadrunner.com
MARCH 2020 Events Cancelled by Pistol Division
In order to comply with new state and federal guidelines concerning the novel Coronavirus outbreak, the Pistol Division is cancelling all events until the end of March, at which time they will assess the situation again as far as monthly matches and events. The events cancelled include: IDPA scheduled for Saturday, March 21 SASS scheduled […]
Saturday, March 21 Match Setup begins at 8:45AM. Registration runs from 8:45-10AM; Match starts at 10AM . Pit 1. NEW SHOOTERSIf you have not previously shot an IDPA match at BGSL, you must be at the range at 8:45 but no later than 9:00 a.m. for a new shooter safety check and IDPA orientation. Match […]
Cancelled: NSCA Sporting Clays Tournament
Saturday March 21 – Sunday March 22 100 Main and Super Sport, register at www.scoringpro.com
Sunday, March 22, 9AM, in Pistol Pit 4. Cowboy Action Shooting at its finest! Registration: 9:00-9:30Safety Briefing: 9:30Match Begins: 10:00 Match Director:John Derrick, a.k.a Poker(859) 382-0892 For additional information, see the SASS at BGSL page:https://bgslinc.com/sass-bgsl/