CANCELED DUE TO WEATHER: Ladies Only Basic Pistol Class — Monday January 17, 1-4pm
This is a class for those individuals interested in learning basic gun safety and handgun fundamentals. The class will consist of a PowerPoint and live fire. If you do not own your own firearm, you may use one of mine. If you have any questions please feel free to email, call or text.
$40 or $35 if taken with class below (Refuse to be a Victim).
CANCELLED: Ladies Only Refuse to Be a Victim Class — Thursday January 20, 6-9pm
This is a basic safety class designed to teach personal proctection inside and outside of the home. We will discuss the best ways to stay safe in different environments and situations leading up to the concealed carry mindset.
$40 or $35 if taken with class above (Basic Pistol).
Ladies Only Defensive Pistol Class — Sunday January 23, 2022, 10am-3pm
This class takes the students a step beyond concealed carry, focusing on developing the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to carry and use a concealed pistol ethically, responsibly and with confidence inside and outside of the home. We will learn to draw from a holster, acquire multiple targets, and shoot from concealment. We will discuss a variety of different scenarios you may encounter inside and outside of the home and practice defensive shooting techniques. Please bring gun, ammo, hat, shirt without a loose collar, closed toe shoes, and ear and eye protection. This is not an introductory level pistol class.