Update: Cowgirl Action Shooting Class

For July, Natalie is offering an Intermediate Ladies Shooting Class (July 12&14), which is a followup to the beginners classes and range sessions. The intermediate class introduces more movement and drawing from the holster in an environment more like a an action pistol competition (e.g. USPSA). It is a great opportunity to sharpen your tactical skills or prepare yourself for trying out one of the competitive matches at BGSL. Signup Link HERE.
There will also be a Ladies Introduction to Pistol with Laser Simulator Class on Monday, July 19. Signup for the Ladies Laser Class using the link on the Class Page. In , there will be two Co-ed Intermediate Classes, July 21&28. Signup for one or both of those HERE.
Update: Cowgirl Action Shooting Class

Natalie Bohon and Ron Summers have set up a lady’s introduction to Cowboy Action Shooting. This class will introduce you to the proper handling and use of Single Action Firearms (Pistols, Rifles and Double Barreled Shotguns). Single Action Firearms will be furnished for this class. This class is also an introduction to Cowboy/Cowgirl Action Shooting, aka SASS. You will learn how an SASS match is conducted, the basic match rules, and participate in an actual match stage. The prerequisite for this class is a core understanding of basic firearm fundamentals. This class is not for the absolute beginner. Each participant will use all three firearms listed above. You will draw from two holsters (strong and weak side) and engage multiple targets with multiple firearms. There will be minimal movement.For those interested in competitive shooting, this is the opportunity to learn basic SASS rules, see the equipment necessary for SASS and actively participate in an SASS match stage. Treat your inner Cowgirl to a shootout! Sign up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0d49afaa2ea5fe3-ladies