In April, BGSL Pistol Instructor Natalie Bohon conducted two successful sessions of her Ladies Only Introduction to Pistol with Laser Simulation class as well as a Concealed Carry class, in addition to continuing her individual and couples lessons. For May, Natalie is offering the same classes and some great new options, in both Ladies Only and Co-ed versions for a couple. Ther are links to sign-up forms for the classes in the list below. Spaces are limited in each class.
- Registration Closed for this session:
Monday, May 10, Ladies Introductory Pistol Training Class with Laser Simulator (no live fire) 6-9pm $40 for members/$50 for non-members. A full description can be found here. This class is standalone, but it can be supplemented with the Ladies Only Intro Range Session with Live Fire (listed below) and a discount will be offered in that class to ladies who complete the Laser Class. - Registration Closed for this session:
Wednesday, May 12, Ladies Only Intro Range Session with Live Fire in pits, 6-8pm (with a Glock 44 and ammo supplied by instructor) $40 for members/$50 for non-members. A followup to the Introductory Class with Laser Simulator, which is a prerequisite for this class, this Range session allows students to put the skills they learned in the classroom to the test. - Registration Closed for this session:
Monday, May 17, Ladies Introductory Pistol Training Class with Laser Simulator (no live fire) 6-9pm $40 for members/$50 for non-members. A description of this class may be found here. This class is standalone, but it can be supplemented with the Ladies Only Intro Range Session with Live Fire (listed below) and a discount will be offered in that class to ladies who complete the Laser Class. - Registration Closed for this session:
Wednesday, May 19, Ladies Only Intro Range Session with Live Fire in pits, 6-8pm (with a Glock 44 and ammo supplied by instructor) $40 for members/$50 for non-members. A followup to the Introductory Class with Laser Simulator, which is a prerequisite for this class, this Range session allows students to put the skills they learned in the classroom to the test. - Registration Closed for this session:
Friday, May 21, Ladies only Concealed Carry $65 for members/$75 for non-members; 8am – 2pm (approximately). As the title suggests, this class will start with a core focus on basic handgun fundamentals and go through all the steps for attaining a certificate for concealed carry, including classroom and range testing (guns and ammo supplied by student). - Registration Closed for this session:
May 27, Co-ed Pit Pass Preparation , 6-8pm, $20, BGSL Members Only. This class is intended to prepare students for taking the BGSL Pit Pass Certification test. It is intended to increase confidence, competence, and safety of the student in the elementary defensive maneuvers required for successfully attaining a Pit Pass. - Friday, May 28 — Co-ed Concealed Carry $65 for members/$75 for non-members; 8am – 2pm (approximately). As the title suggests, this class will start with a core focus on basic handgun fundamentals and go through all the steps for attaining a certificate for concealed carry, including classroom and range testing (guns and ammo supplied by student).