2-4PM, Saturday, October 23 The Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League’s Youth Committee will host a Youth 3D Archery Event from 2-4PM on Saturday, October 23, in the Old Archery Division Area. Please contact Nelson Bottoms by emailing him at youth@bgslinc.com for more information on this event or to sign up for it. Supporting Sponsors
Bow Hunter Education Class
Saturday, August 28, 8AM There will be a hunter education class for Bow Hunters on Saturday, August 28, organized by BGSL member Rafaelito Fraden. The class will start at 8AM in the main clubhouse and finish up outside in the old Archery area for the afternoon. At the conclusion of the class, successful attendees will […]
2021 IBO Spring Nationals 3D Shoot at BGSL
April 9-11 The Archery Division of the Blue Grass Sportsmen’s League is proud to host the International Bowhunting Organization’s Spring National Shoot, April 9-11, sponsored by Whitetail Heaven Outfitters and Whitetail Outfitters Elite Outdoor Superstore. Registration is available on site, with classes for everyone. Ranges open daily at 7:30 am. You do not have to […]
2020 Hunter Orientation Dates
The Hunter Orientations are mandatory if you plan on hunting at BGSL. Orientations will be held in the Youth Lodge on the days and times below. UPDATE: Only one Hunter Orientation remaining. Space limited — Call the Office at 859-858-4060 to reserve your spot. Thursday, August 6th @ 7:00 PM Saturday, August 22nd @ 9:00 […]