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For an affordable and laid-back yet comprehensive introduction to handguns, BGSL Pistol Instructor Natalie Bohon invites you to attend a women’s only basic pistol class which covers all of the skills needed to successfully begin shooting without using live ammunition. In addition to learning the fundamentals of pistol shooting, you will have the opportunity to practice these skills using a SIRT (Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger) Gun paired with laser simulating software.
You will earn two NRA certificates once you have completed this series of classes.
• NRA New Shooter Seminar (1 hour)
• Pistol Marksmanship Simulator Course (2hour)
The cost of the combined 3 hour class is $40 for BGSL members and $50 for non-members. Both the NRA New Shooter Seminar and the Pistol Marksmanship Simulator Course are included. There will be a break for tea and coffee with snacks approximately halfway through the three hours.Spaces are limited, so reserve your spot soon.
Sign-Up for This Class
Ladies Introductory Pistol Training Class with Laser Simulator (no live fire)
Follow up the Laser Class with a Range Session w/Live Fire
This class is not being offered in July 2021, but contact Natalie for Alternatives
For those who take the Ladies’ Laser Class and want to apply the skills they learn in the classroom to a range session with live fire, this is the perfect opportunity to take that step, with gun and ammo supplied by the instructor.
Ladies Introductory Range Session with Live Fire
Laser Class Video

What is covered in this class
Pistol knowledge and Safe gun handling
• Revolver vs Semi-Automatic
• Identify different components of pistol and their function
• Safe handling of each
Ammunition Knowledge
• Identify different types of ammo
• Firing sequence of a cartridge
• Failures /malfunctions to expect on range
Basic Shooting Fundamentals
• Dominant eye
• Proper stance
• Proper grip
• How to aim
• Sight alignment
• Sight picture
• Trigger control
• Range Safety Rules
• What you will need on the range
Selecting a Pistol
Caring for a pistol
Trigger Time
• Using SIRT gun and LASRX software
• Laser cartridges in Glock 19